Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Go Humans Go!

As I was driving back home one day I drove passed a billboard I noticed that I thought was really creative. It is an ad campaign for Quaker Oats to promote their brand of oatmeal. I think it is really successful because it uses humor and creativity to get their message across. The billboard depicts a man in a business suit with Quaker Oats strapped to his back like a jetpack. The tagline says “go humans go”. I think one of the reasons I liked this ad was because it played with the idea of the jetpack and how if you eat Quaker Oats you will have the power to take on the world. Here is a photo of the ad.


  1. I love how they took a vintage business man approch to it.It is a pretty funny how the oatmeal is a jet pack.What is effective is how simple the add is and striaght to the point.

  2. I pass by the "Go Humans Go" billboard, on my way back from the gym. I wonder if they put it there, to encourage me!

  3. This is just a great ad you have found. It is a perfect example of the exercises we have been doing in class. Simple image, with a word or small phrase that has a big impact.

  4. Im surprised that Jimmy goes to the gym. I've been seeing these ads everywhere. Im not a big oatmeal fan but after seeing these ads I might give it another try.
